How to give up drinking for a woman

There are many women who are sure that nothing terrible will happen if they drink a little beer or a few glasses of wine in the evening to relax after a hard day. One-time use of alcohol will not hurt, but if the evening "relaxation" is repeated often, then gradually they become a category of habits and addiction is formed. Everything happens imperceptibly and one day a woman finds that the skin condition deteriorates, circles appear under the eyes and without a dose of alcohol it is no longer possible to deal with irritability.

How to stop drinking alone

Women are almost twice as likely to become addicted to alcohol as men, and it is harder for them to quit. Usually, abstinence from alcohol occurs against the background of various stresses:

  • identification of a serious illness;
  • pregnancy (desire to have a healthy child);
  • the need to care for loved ones (parents, spouse, child).

Then the woman mobilizes all her will to correct the situation and "forgets" about the need for daily alcohol consumption. Well, if there is no strong stimulus outside, and in the evening the hand usually swears to the bottle, then it is important to realize your problem and solveto give up alcohol forever.

drunk woman at the table

How to force yourself

First of all, you need to determine the cause of thirst for alcohol. This can be a painful self-doubt, everyday problems, misunderstanding of loved ones and many others. Determining the provoking factor is an important step. If the cause is not eliminated, then motivation may weaken in the future.

If it is difficult to understand the causes yourself, then you should seek help from a psychologist. In parallel, you need to think about what you will have to lose if you continue to drink. Most likely the list will contain:

  • career;
  • respect for children and spouse;
  • beauty and health.

The motive can be anything. It is very important that you want to keep your existing successes.

After making the decision and setting the priorities, the hardest part begins. You need to overcome the habit, to force yourself to learn to live without daily alcohol intake. It will be difficult because the body is already used to receiving a daily dose, therefore, without alcohol, for the first time you will feel irritability, mood swings and sleep problems may occur. Overcoming addiction requires several complex steps:

  • Determine the date of refusal. You can decide to stop drinking from tomorrow morning, but most of those who have made such a decision in the evening decide to postpone the refusal to drink the next day. Better to choose a specific date and set yourself up for success in advance.
  • Understand that rejection is not a sacrifice. Alcohol destroys the brain and severely damages female beauty. By stopping drinking, the woman has nothing to lose.
  • Remove all alcoholic beverages from the house. You do not need to make excuses that alcohol will be in case of arrival of guests. If the bottle is "on hand", then the temptation to drink harder. Guests can enjoy tea with cake or cookies.
  • Find an activity to your liking. An evening without a drink will look boring and boring if you do not turn your attention to other interests. It can be anything: walking, knitting, sports. The bottom line is that the lesson is fascinating, forcing you to forget about alcohol.

And after preparation, take a decisive step in sober living. At first it will be very difficult and you will have to act through "I do not want", but gradually the desire for alcohol will decrease and soon the woman will learn to enjoy walking, delicious food, creativity, communication with family and friends.

What to do

To begin with, adequately assess your strength. If it seems that this will not help to overcome the painful appetite or attempts to give up alcohol have led to new damage, then it is better to consult a doctor. There is nothing shameful about visiting a narcologist and you can be treated on an outpatient and anonymous basis. Perhaps, in order to maintain the strength of will, the doctor will prescribe pills or drops that reduce the desire for alcoholic beverages:

  • Disulfiram. The drug inhibits the production of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, an enzyme that is needed to break down ethanol and increases the concentration of acetaldehyde by 5-10 times. As a result, instead of enjoying drinking, the woman will experience an unpleasant influx of heat to the skin of the face and scalp, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting.
  • Cyanamide. Available in drops. Like previous agents, it blocks the action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. In combination with alcohol it causes nausea, shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

Medicines are prescribed so that the woman has a negative attitude towards alcohol. In addition, the narcologist recommends taking vitamins and hepatoprotectors to support liver function.

Medicines that help to develop aversion to alcohol cannot be taken without a prescription. They have many side effects and, if used improperly, can cause irreparable damage. At home you can drink decoctions that have a similar effect:

  • wormwood and thyme mixed in equal proportions;
  • ram.

But you need to drink vitamins. They will strengthen the body and have an antioxidant effect, helping to reduce the effects of alcohol intoxication. It will also be useful to take a course of Karsil - the plant hepatoprotector will improve liver function.

But it is more important to pay attention to the psychological attitude and to firmly believe in success. This will help:

  • An activity to your liking or a list of fun things to do to fill the evening without leaving time for a drink.
  • Sober social circle. At first you should avoid companies where it is customary to drink, it is better to be with friends who like to relax with a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Small indulgences. Many women have become in the habit of giving up sweets for fear of ruining their figure. But a piece of cake or ice cream will help relieve stress just as well as alcohol, and much less harm to health.
  • An expression of self-love. Previously, manicures, body scrubs and bath salts seemed like an unbearable luxury. Then it is worth counting how much is spent on drinking. A lot? Then instead of alcohol it is worth spending these funds to please yourself.

Medicines and home remedies will help, but only as additional help. The key to success in quitting alcohol is your mental attitude. Self-love, new interests and sober friends can help you overcome addiction.

Further work on yourself

The first 2-3 days the condition worsens. Irritability, negative perception of reality, constant internal tension, poor sleep - these are just some of the symptoms that a woman will have to endure after stopping alcohol. But you have to adjust that giving up alcohol is a manifestation of great willpower and very soon everything will be fine, even if you do not drink.

With complete abstinence from alcohol, not only will the damaged health be almost completely restored, but the risk of diseases such as stroke, liver cirrhosis, oncology and dementia will be reduced.


After three days, the breakdown products of ethanol are completely removed from the body. Although alcohol intoxication is still ongoing, overall well-being is gradually improving:

  • After a week. Full sleep will be restored and digestion will improve. In some women, due to prolonged intoxication, nausea may occur briefly, but is mild.
  • In two weeks. Frequent dizziness and headache disappear, blood pressure returns to normal and tachycardia ceases to bother. The woman again begins to feel energy and increased mental abilities.
  • A month later. Alcohol toxins are completely removed from the brain tissue, the emotional background is normalized and vitality is increased. Around this time, the liver begins to function properly, cleanses the blood of toxins and improves fat absorption. Ladies will be able to notice that despite the occasional intake of "forbidden" sweets, the fat layer on the abdomen and thighs gradually decreases.
  • In a year. A fit, cheerful and energetic woman.


Wrinkles, dry unhealthy skin, circles under the eyes - the drinking woman can not hide these defects even with the help of bright makeup. But after giving up alcohol, positive changes will soon appear. Within seven days, a healthy glow will appear and the skin will gradually begin to acquire elasticity.

After about a month, the characteristic circles under the eyes will disappear and the wrinkles caused by alcohol abuse will be partially smoothed out.

By giving up drinking, a woman gradually regains her lost energy and beauty. He becomes sociable and cheerful.

The woman can stop drinking alone only in the first stage of alcoholism, when ethanol tolerance is still being formed and only psychological hunger must be overcome.

woman covers her face with her hands

In the second and subsequent stages, only a few who have a strong will or a strong motivation manage to "bind" with alcohol. Most of the wonderful half will need the help of a psychologist and narcologist.