How to stop drinking at home

Avoid alcohol

According to the latest figures, half a million people in one country die from alcoholism each year, far more than natural disasters and epidemics. These shocking statistics show the need for early action. Many are aware of this, but only 1, 7% of people with alcoholism seek medical help. The rest do not want to be treated in specialized centers or try to stop drinking at home.

Alcohol dependence methods

Special medicines, folk recipes, self-training and other techniques are used to treat alcoholism at home. The main thing when choosing is to use only those methods that are characterized by minimal risk.

The intake of medicines and folk remedies has the following goals:

  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • elimination of the main symptoms that occur when stopping alcohol (headache, nausea, tremor, etc. );
  • recurrence prevention.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has many recipes in its arsenal to help you stop drinking at home. They help cleanse the body of toxins, develop aversion to alcohol and strengthen the immune system.

The following tools are most commonly used:

  • St. John's wort decoction. Dry grass (4 handfuls) is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, kept in a water bath for half an hour. Take twice a day for two weeks
  • calendula broth with oats. Water (2 liters) is poured into a vessel and grains of unrefined oats are poured on one third of the vessels, then boiled on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Marigold flowers (100 grams) are added to the strained broth. The container is then well insulated and left for 11-12 hours. Drink the resulting drink once a day, 250 ml before meals;
  • blueberry broth. The leaves (40 grams) are flooded with water (1 cup) and boiled for 15 minutes. Take 20 ml 6 times a day;
  • herbal infusion. Mix equal portions of dried herbs (chamomile or wormwood, thyme and centaury), pour boiling water and leave for 3 hours. The filtered infusion is taken 40 milliliters 3 times a day.

Traditional healers may also suggest giving the patient decoctions that cause vomiting and aversion to alcohol:

  • laurel roots and lovan are crushed and flooded with vodka, infused for 14 days;
  • The leaves of the European eyelid are flooded with boiling water and left for 2 weeks in a dark place. The resulting tincture is mixed in equal proportions with vodka and given to the patient in the morning and at noon, and in the evening is poured with pure vodka.

The above decoctions should be used only after consulting a doctor, as there may be contraindications to taking certain herbs. If you don't take them into account, you can harm the body instead of taking advantage.

In order for folk remedies to have the desired effect, you will need to take them for a long time (at least 2 months). It is also recommended to make cleansing enemas, drink more water and take more baths.


You do not have to choose your own medication, for this you need to contact a narcologist. He will prescribe an appropriate medicine, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

Usually those who want to give up drinking can recommend:

  • enterosorbents (to remove residual ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products from the gut);
  • diuretics (for cleansing the body);
  • antihypertensive drugs (hypertension)
  • analeptics (in case of pain in the heart);
  • sleeping pills (for insomnia).

Pleasure blockers can be used to stop drinking. As a result, relaxation and euphoria do not occur, but only negative consequences remain, which gradually weakens the desire for alcohol. A special group of drugs causes aversion to alcohol. Such drugs do not work for a long time, which is why they are considered long courses. The need for intake is determined by the doctor.

Using hypnosis

You can now find recommendations on the Internet for conducting a hypnosis session at home. This method does not require much time (5-10 minutes a day is enough) and money. The addicted person should not know about it. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a very long time to affect the psyche (several months, and in some cases even a year). To save time and prevent negative influences, it is better to give preference to medical care when using an amateur approach.

In general, there are some rules you should follow when hypnosis at home:

  • The session is conducted in a phase of deep sleep (during this time the body rests and the brain remains active and receptive to signals);
  • when the patient falls asleep, you should stand close to the head of the bed and repeat prepared phrases motivating you to stop drinking aloud with appropriate intonations;
  • the text must contain a statement of abstinence from alcohol in the affirmative (for example: "alcohol disgusts you");
  • you cannot use the particle "no", as the result will be the opposite (human consciousness does not perceive the negative particle);
  • you should not resort to the stimulant form ("give up alcohol"), you should replace it with confirmation of the result ("you give up alcohol easily");
  • trust the result.
Disadvantages of home therapy

It is difficult to give up drinking at home and it is important to follow a number of rules.

  • The effect of the measures is possible if the disease is at an early stage. In the advanced stages, there are physical and mental disorders that only a specialist can deal with.
  • The patient himself must want to get rid of the bad habit. One will not be able to give up drinking by force. In this case, only a temporary effect is possible.
  • It will be necessary to create the most comfortable conditions, protecting the patient from stressful situations that often provoke breakdowns, and providing support.
  • You will have to give up alcohol completely.

However, the fight against alcohol at home rarely ends with 100% success. This situation is caused by the following reasons:

  • lack of necessary qualifications and sufficient experience of doctors;
  • has a high risk of crashing;
  • there is no constant motivation in an addicted person (in the clinic it is better to understand the danger of alcohol and the need to give up the bad habit);
  • There is no psychological support (even if the patient's relatives sincerely try to help him, they cannot convince him that he will be able to give up drinking. Only a psychotherapist can instill such confidence in his mind).

In addition, they often become alcoholics to distract themselves from the surrounding reality and forget about problems. In such cases, it is necessary to determine the cause of alcohol addiction and eliminate it, which is available only to a specialist.

Because you have to stop drinking abruptly, another problem with treatment at home is the inability to fully help in case of alcohol intoxication. These negative consequences include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • heart failure;
  • digestive system malfunction;
  • delirium tremen (in severe cases).

A specialist will prescribe detoxification therapy in such cases.

It's not worth risking the health of a loved one. To help you stop drinking means to go to a specialized clinic, where the patient will be provided with qualified medical care.