Alcoholism is a physical and psychological dependence, which is characterized by memory disorders, behavioral problems, pathologies of the internal organs resulting from the systemic use of alcohol. That is why many people are interested in how to give up alcohol on their own. In such a situation you will have to completely change your lifestyle.
Causes of addiction
Before you stop drinking alone, you need to determine the causes of the bad habit. The main factors include the following:

- Psychological factors. The cause of alcoholism can be difficulties in adapting to life circumstances, weakness of will, lack of self-confidence. Often the cause of the problems is the tendency to depression and personal problems.
- Social factors. The negative impact of advertising, national traditions, family habits, lack of good work can encourage a person to abuse alcohol.
- Difficulties at work or personal life. In such a situation, a person tries to cope with stress with the help of alcohol.
- Physiological factors or hereditary tendencies.
Biochemical processes can create problems. Not everyone is addicted to alcohol. It is more susceptible to people who have mental disorders or traumatic brain injury. Sometimes the problem is caused by a genetic predisposition.
In order to treat alcoholism at home as effectively as possible, the patient must be aware of the problems. Without the patient's desire, no technique will give the desired results.
Anxiety symptoms
Evidence that a person has developed alcohol dependence are the following alarming symptoms:
- Gradually increase the number of holidays celebrated with alcohol. If a person used to wait for his birthday or New Year, now he is specifically looking for a reason to drink alcohol.
- Change your social circle. If earlier a person chooses friends based on common interests, then with the advent of alcohol dependence he looks for friends who drink.
- Combining negative characteristics. Alcoholics have problems communicating with colleagues, friends, relatives. Often such people become nervous, aggressive and irritable. Mood improves only after drinking alcohol.
- Loss of control over alcohol volume. If earlier it was easy to stop, now there are difficulties with it.
- Health disorders. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to very sad consequences. The man has pain in the right side, sleep disorders, erection problems, trembling hands.
Popular myths about alcohol
To stop drinking at home, you need to acknowledge the addiction. However, many people ignore the presence of problems.
There are several common myths about alcoholic beverages:
- The desire to drink alcohol is always justified by the presence of some kind of rest. However, you can celebrate it without alcohol.
- Many people believe that alcohol can help relieve shyness. However, this is only self-hypnosis. The psychological barrier can only be removed for a short period of time. This is followed by a stage of inappropriate behavior that can cause shame.
- Some people believe that drinking can help them deal with stress or deal with personal problems. This is also nothing more than a myth.
- Alcoholism often begins with daily consumption of 50 g of alcohol. Today, however, doctors are questioning even the benefits of red wine. Daily ingestion of alcohol in the body provokes irreversible consequences for the brain and liver.
- Many alcoholics drink because they are helpless, because they believe there is nothing they can do about it. This is another common misconception.
The key to successful therapy
How to stop drinking alcohol at home? This is a difficult task, but it can be done. To do this, certain conditions must be met:
- Preparing to find an easy way to deal with addiction is almost impossible. It is impossible to independently eliminate complex forms of alcoholism with the development of physiological pathologies and mental disorders.
- You need to realize the need to combat addiction. If this is not done, all treatments will fail.
- Be patient and attract the support of loved ones. The main task of others should be to maximize a person's protection from situations that can cause breakdowns. If a person does not have the willpower, it is necessary to constantly monitor his behavior and monitor his social circle.

Helpful Hints
To answer the question of how to get rid of alcohol dependence yourself, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- Stop interacting with people who are addicted to alcohol. It is not worth visiting drinking companies. It is important to learn to say no in such situations. In fact, it is not very difficult.
- Get plenty of rest. Healthy sleep is the key to excellent health and excellent performance. In such a situation a person gets tired much less and therefore has no compulsive desire to drink.
- Do sports. To deal with addiction, you need to find another source of pleasure. The hormone of happiness is produced during exercise.
- Find ways to deal with stress. Alcohol problems often occur in people who suffer from chronic fatigue and try to calm their nerves with alcohol. To deal with addiction, you need to find a source of pleasure - for this you can be like massage, yoga or boxing.
Addiction treatment
If a person has decided to get rid of the addiction, but does not have enough will, he should resort to additional means.They cause aversion to alcohol and help restore the functioning of internal organs that suffer from the toxic effects of alcohol.
All methods of treating alcohol dependence fall into 2 broad categories:
- Folk recipes - you can use them yourself. Such means help to cope with the desire for alcohol without the help of a doctor.
- Conservative therapy - is carried out in more serious stages of the disease. Medicines should be used under the supervision of a specialist.
Drug therapy
Treatment of alcoholism with drugs at home should be comprehensive and solve the following problems:

- Eliminate alcohol dependence. Special tablets are used for this. They contain substances that alter the body's response to alcohol.
- Means to eliminate withdrawal symptoms.
- Medications to eliminate mental disorders arising from alcoholism.
- Means for neutralizing ethanol, which deal with the negative effects of the substance on the body.
It is quite problematic to choose such tools yourself. This should be done by a qualified doctor.
Drugs to relieve appetite for alcohol
Home alcohol pills help change the body's response to ethanol. Such drugs can lead to complete intolerance to alcohol or eliminate the state of euphoria when drinking alcohol.
Products based on substances that prevent the pleasure of alcohol intoxication have a milder effect. Even if a person continues to drink, the state of euphoria does not occur.
This leads to less appetite for alcohol. However, the use of such a substance gives results only if the person wants to give up addiction.
They can be taken at home, but must be prescribed by an experienced healthcare provider. These drugs have many contraindications. These include acute hepatitis, withdrawal symptoms, and liver failure.
In addition, the combination of such drugs with opiates is strictly prohibited. This combination is performed by stopping breathing. Therefore, the use of drugs in this category without the patient's knowledge is strictly prohibited.
Drugs for the development of alcohol intolerance
The main active ingredient in such drugs is the main component of many injections that are used to encode alcohol.
Such drugs provoke complete intolerance to alcoholic beverages.Even a small amount of low-alcohol beverage causes serious symptoms of intoxication - nausea, dizziness, vomiting. If a person drinks 50 g of a drink with a strength of 40 degrees, this amount can be fatal.
It is therefore strictly forbidden to treat yourself with such means. They are used by specialists in a hospital setting. The patient should be informed of the possible consequences of alcohol consumption. An alcohol test is also performed. For this purpose, a person is given a microscopic dose of alcohol in order to be convinced of the consequences that this will cause.
In addition, physicians must evaluate the patient's health. Each such tool has many limitations. These include liver failure, diabetes and seizures. Such funds should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
In addition to fixed assets, the following drugs for alcoholism are used at home:
- Metabotropic drugs. They help speed up metabolic processes and help reduce the degree of intoxication. One of the effective means is a drug that significantly reduces the duration and intensity of the effects of alcohol on the body. The only restriction on its use is allergies.
- Psychotropic substances. These drugs affect the nervous system and reduce the appetite for alcohol. Doctors usually prescribe tranquilizers. In addition, antidepressants may be used. However, such drugs provoke many side effects, which is why they are chosen exclusively by a doctor.
- Vitamins and medicines to fight concomitant disorders. In pathologies of the heart or liver, appropriate drugs are required.
Thanks to the complex therapy it is possible to speed up the recovery process and quickly deal with alcohol dependence.
Folk remedies
Elimination of heavy drinking at home can be done with the help of folk remedies. However, such prescriptions do not always work well with medications and can cause severe side effects. The treatment of alcoholism in pregnant and lactating women in this way is strictly prohibited. Before using any product, you should consult a doctor.
The most powerful substances include the following:
- Thyme. This plant has a calming effect, has a diuretic and analgesic effect, eliminates headaches and liver discomfort. The composition contains essential oils, which is why the agent is used in infusions in small quantities. If you increase the amount and drink an alcoholic beverage after half an hour, the sprout reflex will work. To eliminate the dependence, it is enough to perform the procedure several times. However, the method gives results only in the initial stages of the pathology.
- Favorite. It is recommended to use no more than 1 tablespoon of the decoction of this plant per day. The product can be added to food. After drinking alcohol, it provokes a reflex. To get a useful tincture, the leaves of the plant should be infused with vodka for 2 weeks. You can also add bay leaves to the composition.
- Bay leaf. The roots and leaves of this plant should be infused with vodka. It is also worth adding peeled seeds there. However, it should be borne in mind that a large amount of the drug provokes bleeding and inflammation.
- Puppeteer. Another effective treatment for addiction. However, it is forbidden to mix or drink with vodka. Time should pass after drinking the infusion. This plant has a general toxic effect that lasts for several hours or days.
- Pumpkin seeds. To deal with the addiction, you need to take a glass of raw materials, add vodka and leave for 2 weeks. You need to drink the finished tincture. As a result, there will be abnormalities in the stomach and vomiting. The thirst for alcohol will disappear.
Now you know how to cure alcoholism at home. For this you can use medicines and folk recipes. However, the basis of successful therapy is the patient's desire to cope with the addiction.