author Bianca



  • Can I drink alcohol after vaccination? Read in our article why alcoholic beverages are dangerous after vaccination and what the consequences may be.
    17 December 2021
  • Stages of development of alcoholism and harmful effects of alcohol intake. The harm of alcohol for women, men and adolescents. Harmless to the body doses of alcohol.
    28 November 2021
  • Alcohol addiction: social depravity or disease? How to quit drinking at home and overcome addiction for free: effective ways, useful tips for quitting alcohol.
    29 December 2020
  • How to help the alcoholic to give up drinking, why is the emotional stability of relatives important, what methods are not worth wasting time, conversation, motivation of the addict, comprehensive treatment of alcoholism, social adaptation
    3 December 2020
  • How and where to start the fight against alcohol abuse? Useful tips on how to stop drinking alcohol and start leading a healthy lifestyle.
    25 November 2020
  • How to stop drinking alcohol: causes and anxious symptoms of addiction, popular myths about alcohol, the key to successful therapy, useful tips, methods of treatment (drug therapy and folk remedies).
    21 September 2020
  • Alcohol effects. Long-term and short-term effects of alcohol consumption. Side effects of alcohol abuse.
    25 August 2020